Monday 11 March 2013

Back with a rant

It's mid-March, about zero degrees and blowing a gale so time for a moan.
I have been swapping emails with my son-in-law who, it has to be said, has different view on politics to me but never mind.
Here is my latest rant [reasoned argument]:-
Complicated isn’t it. As I said before it seems to be beyond the wit of man to get these things right.
I fully agree that the UK Government has been hijacked by business interests.
MPs are so cheap to buy. Could this be an example? Why isn’t this illegal?
The Market Economy is by its very nature NOT an egalitarian system. It is red in tooth and claw and breeds large gaps between the rich and the poor.
I cannot agree however with your view that the solution is simply not to tax people.
Of course the rich favour this idea (hence the Conservative Party).
It is not as if this has not been identified as a problem and solutions proposed.
Both Marx and Keynes tried but unfortunately we only have corrupt [fallible] politicians to implement their grand plans.
We simply have outrageous levels of corruption in the UK.
Since when, in a recession, do you have to cut benefit and reduce taxes on the rich.
And why do politicians think Bankers still deserve multi-million bonuses just to do their job? Totally outrageous!
Companies hate a truly free market and they certainly haven’t got it in the UK.
They are amassing very large surpluses (just look at our gas & electricity bill you see why) and tuck them away in off-shore tax havens so not even their owners [those mugs] the shareholders benefit.
It is no surprising to have Conservative Ministers rubbishing the Public Services. They need to do this to transfer them into the hands of their friends to cream off the profits (heath services are a major money maker in the USA).
We had a ‘golden period’ after the war but since the fall of the communist block the rich don’t fear revolution anymore so are happy to destroy the excellent public services our parents set up.
Yes I know benefits have got out of hand but nothing like as much as corporate and personal tax avoidance.
One of the problems of being retired you have more time to read about these things and to shout at the television.
Much better to spend your time running a Scout group or going sailing J
If you care to read history ‘Twas ever thus’!

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